Thursday, August 8, 2013

Reader’s Guide: “The Word for Today” Thursday, August 8, 2013 Read – 2 Corinthians 9:1-5 In our reading for today Paul uses rather persuasive language to encourage the Corinthians to follow through on their intentions. Just in case they are thinking of backing out, Paul reminds them that he has been boasting about them to the Macedonians – and, by the way, Paul will be bringing some of those Macedonians with him. Should the people of Corinth not carry through, Paul tells them that he will be embarrassed – and so will they. This is not the best motivation for Paul to appeal to. In fact personally I wish he had not written as he did. Guilt is a motivator, but it is not the best motivator and does not last long. Paul is not at his best here. But, the offering was apparently deeply important to Paul – we see that in his strong appeal. Once again, readers of Paul and Acts are led to wonder why something that was so important for Paul in his letters is almost absent in the book of Acts – Luke only mentions it in passing a time or two. All of this is really not all that important, but it does lead readers of Paul and Luke to conclude that each was driven by their own intentions. The writings of every Biblical writer are shaped by that writer’s intention. Understanding that is both helpful and exciting – it leads us to dig deeper to understand each writer and helps us to recognize the deeply human nature of the scripture.

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