Thursday, January 2, 2014

Reader’s Guide: “The Word for Today” Thursday, January 2, 2014 Read John 1:10-13 Having introduced John the Baptist as the first witness to Jesus, John’s gospel returns to the poetic presentation of Jesus, though the telling of the story now has some narrative overtones. John the Baptist bore witness to one who was coming as the light of the world, but the coming of that light is marked by a deep tragedy – the very world to which the light has come does not receive the light. This reality is the profound reality of human rejection of the creator. What an awesome possibility that what has been created has the potential to spurn its creator! What a tragedy! And so as the story of the coming of the Word is unfolded by John we are introduced to the tension that will reign throughout this gospel – the very ones to whom the Word is sent will not receive that Word. But it is not all bad news. There are those who are “born of God” who do receive the Word that comes. This idea of being “born of God” that is through God’s action alone is an important concept within John’s gospel. It is a concept that we will meet again later. For now it is worth noting that John does not put the power of faith, of becoming a child of God into the hands of humans but into God’s hands. Jesus will say later that human beings did not choose him but that he has chosen them. This is a profound mystery that we will need to contemplate as we move through this gospel. How do we become God’s children? Only by the power and action of God who draws us to himself. That is why witness is so important to John.

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