Monday, June 10, 2013

Reader’s Guide: “The Word for Today” Monday, June 10, 2013 Read – Acts 7:1-16 The speech given by Stephen is the longest of all the speeches in the book of Acts. It is mostly are recitation of the history of the OT people. Many have wondered why Stephen would make this long recitation before the Sanhedrin. Obviously they all knew the story very well. Perhaps for Luke this was a way of rehearsing the OT story for his readers who may not have known it. At any rate it is a good review for us. We do not need to say much about this recitation of OT history. There is one minor detail that has intrigued careful readers of the story. Stephen says that Abraham bought a burial ground from the sons of Hamor in Shechem. When the story is told in the book of Genesis Abraham purchase the burial plot from Ephron, the Hittite, and the location was at Machpelah (Genesis 23:8-16). Hamor of Shechem was the leader Jacob dealt with upon his return after living for 20 years in fear of Esau. This is a minor issue that need not trouble us – but it does remind us that the Bible is perhaps a more complicated book that we might think. If we want to read similar recitations of OT history, Psalm 78, 105, and 106 are good places to turn. Knowing the OT story is crucial for understanding the NT writings.

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